
Ensuring that submitted and published articles are free from plagiarism is an important part of the editorial process. To ensure that articles meet the quality standard of 20% similarity index, editors will use Turnitin's web-based software to check the similarity index when the author submits the article for the first time (submission) and the second or next time (revision/after being revised based on reviewer input). If the article meets the standards, the article can be processed to the next stage (review or publish). Otherwise, the author will be asked to correct it. 

Apart from using Turnitin, the editor will also check with Google Scholar and other means to ensure that articles are neither the result of plagiarism nor are already sent/published to other journals (double submission). This is an important step in the editorial process as it helps to ensure that the articles are original and of high quality. 

The editor will also check the references and citations used in the article to ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date. This is important to ensure that the article is properly sourced and that the author has given credit to the original authors. 

Finally, the editor will also check the article for any errors or inconsistencies. This is to ensure that the article is free from any mistakes or typos that could affect the quality of the article.