Inovasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Website pada Mata Kuliah Kewarganegaraan


  • Muhammad Taufiqurrahman STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto



digital learning, web-based learning model, citizenship


In the digital era, the internet is one of the most  influential sources of learning in various sectors, including the education sector. With the digitalization process in the education sector, the learning process can be carried out anywhere and anytime, the concept of "space and time" which has been an indicator in determining the speed and understanding of students begins to fuse with digital learning in the form of virtual learning, this is in line with the concept
of a life-based curriculum which emphasizes that the learning process can be carried out anywhere, in any situation and circumstance. This study aims to develop a website-based government learning product as a learning innovation in the implementation of a life -based curriculum. The specific objectives of this study are (1) how the characteristics of the development of website-based government learning are, and (2) how effective the development of website-based government learning is. The development is carried out using the development model from Sugiyono (2013) which has been adjusted by the researcher. The product of the learning model was then tested for validity and product trial with students of the Islamic Religious Education study program STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto as test respondents





